| - This show is probably the most unexpected thing you will see in a long time.
From the decor to the prizes (it's a game show, be prepared to participate!), the performers, the audience, the room... All of it is pretty unusual. And. It. Rocks.
Alexa will help you finding your way to your seat (it's kind of a punk version of Amazon's Alexa; you can ask her things, and she would answer but in a different way...).
Then there's Miss Behave. And her sidekick the gorgeous Tiffany. Both of them are willing to take over your personal comfort zone. For good, of course.
Surrounded by cardboard-and-sharpie-made signs, warnings, quotes, celebrities pictures, and a bunch of messy objects, useless for the most of them, this dynamic duo will do their best to make you laugh.
Miss Behave is very down-to-earth on her analysis of the world we live in, and yet would turn any bad side of ourselves into something... beautiful. Or funny, at least.
We had the chance to see a show with 2 special guests: Marawa the amazing, a highly-skilled hula-hoop performer (which is even more amazing in such a small room), and the Evil Hate Monkey, a... Monkey, who... eats a banana?!
Don't go see this show if you don't want to get involved in an audience participation. Or if you're easily getting offended. Or if you're cardboard intolerant. You'd rather go to the movie theater or stay home.
Go see it if you're between 21 and 79 years old (we literally had a 79-year old young lady in the audience yesterday, and she was awesome!), open-minded, want to see and experience something really different from all you've seen so far.