| - YUMMMM! Every year around the holidays, companies that our business works with start sending us baked treats. Our law firm represents public agencies, many of whom cannot receive gifts of any kind, but the ones that can, also give them out. See's Candy, various cookies, boxed treats, and these F***** incredible brownies, from the building's management company where our suite is located!!! They're the best treat we get every year! (In my opinion anyhow - and I'm not much of a sweets person most of the time!)
There are lots of flavors. I enjoy the caramel the most but they are all pretty good. We end up cutting them up and taking little bites all day from the community table in the kitchen. They're rich, so eating a whole one at once is pretty indulgent.
Great gift, especially since they're individually wrapped and packaged nicely. If you don't live near enough someone make a homemade baked treat as a present, these make a great substitute. Especially for an office with several people - the box we receive lasts a few days, (which says something for our group!!) A not in the box says something along the lines that if you can resist finishing them within the first week arrived, refrigerate or freeze. Which is always a good sign - anything that lasts for a long time freaks me out. Except Twinkies.