I would just like to state, that I received a message from a fellow Yelper who works for Desert Springs - well over a year ago, but it has been awhile since I've Yelped; She tried explaining to me simply the procedures and protocols of the medical industry in our Country and that this really would have just gone "NO WHERE". And that I "was scared".
While this whole situation happened quite some time ago and I wrote my review then and there, I re-read this and I still stand by my decision.
The review was NOT in regards to Hospital Staff such as Nurses, Doctors, Technicians, etc... (though I've experienced better care at other hospitals myself - BUT!! God bless any of them anywhere - and especially after 1 October) But rather it was about the LACK OF COMPASSION and inability to be kind shown through the person on the OTHER END OF THE LINE. It wasn't about being scared or anxious.
So I just would like to clarify. Just be a kind decent human being. That's all. If you can't relay information - like I stated, I understood COMPLETELY, just say so, but do it with kindness. You work in an industry where being kind and compassionate means everything to some. Even over the phone.