Purchased this groupon simply because it caught my eye. These people are awesome and they love their job. Short cab ride from the strip, about $10. It's actually in a yard behind the sports complex. I was very afraid so the furthest I got was being harnessed and practicing on the stationary bar. My friend actually did the jump about 4 times but was not confident enough to do the catch. Me on the other hand went up the ladder and right back down. And was not judged because I decided not to jump. As a matter of fact, the owner (I forgot his name) suggested that I didn't jump because when I got to the top of the ladder I was shaking and hyperventilating. With that being said, don't be afraid. I've read reviews that showed pics of kids as young as 8 doing the jump. The woman who works there (I forgot her name) went as far as going up the ladder with me to make me feel comfortable. At that very moment and as comforting as the employees were, I just could not get past my fear of heights. Even after going skydiving and loving it.
Prior to the jump they will have you sign a waiver and do a tutorial of the jump on a stationary bar. Tip: wear comfortable clothing that covers your knees and just don't wear any jewelry because you will have to remove it anyway. The groupon is good for 90 minutes and if the classes are small that means you jump more.