| - Beer - 100% Québécois! Our dearest province is home to many exceptional crafted beers. Le Balthazar proposes a concise but well thought beer menu that includes beer only made in the Québec province.
Beer sommelier - Love it! From 5 to 11 (I think) a beer sommelier is on the premises to suggest and comment great choices of barley juices (aka Beer).
Food - Fantastic! The food is great. To this day, I've tried the steak bavette as well as the fish N'chips. The steak is tasty and the fish N'chip has the must, seriously the crispiest crust ever.
Service - Lacking a bit! I found that the service was a bit lazy. Several times did we have to wave our hands to the server while she was snacking and chatting with other servers. An empty beer that has been standing on the table is not supposed to stay there for 10min, especially when there are not so many customers around. We had to wave once to order our beer, twice to order something to snack, trice for the second beer, again to order food, and yet again to get the check. The first time wasn't great either.
Ambiance - elevated ceilling creates room, and the length-less wooden bar is incredible. The overall ambiance is great...when they are not trying to replicate U2's concert indoor! Damn, music is so loud late in the evening. Also, the ventilating fan makes a buzzy sound that drives you nuts. According to the server, an issue they've been dealing with since they opened...Then fix it!?!?
Overall, great beer, great food, but lacks (to my opinion) on service.