I know this is my first visit to this location but I was very unsatisfied with the service! I usual avoid DD in the mornings because my main priority is to make it to work on time. I decided that this morning would be different because it was national donut day. You get a free donut with every beverage purchase....you can't beat that!
It was pretty busy this morning, I'm guessing because of the promotion and just because it's Friday...fine. While I was waiting on line to place my order, I noticed that the manager or one of the managers was addressing one of employees in a very rude way. I understand the store is busy but come on....that's not the way to address someone especially in front of customers...that was strike one! I finally made it to the front of the line to place my order, nothing fancy just a large peach iced tea and a glaze donut(my donut was free). The girl behind the counter looked at me like she was confused...I think I speak pretty good English and yes I know I have a pretty "New York" accent but I've never had a problem with anyone not understanding me in the past so I didn't understand what was the problem with girl behind the counter this morning! She walked and asked another employee whether or not they sold peach iced tea...you've got to be kidding me! The other employee told the girl who took my order that they did and she was nice to make my iced tea while the girl who was originally assisting me, completed my order....strike two! I watched the counter screen carefully as the girl entered my order into the register, why does a large peach iced tea cost $2.39 when it says it only costs $1.39 on the board/menu? I had to do a double take and that's when I realized she entered my order wrong....she charged me for a hot tea when I ordered an iced tea....strike three! I kindly corrected her...she corrected my order and apologized for the mistake, I kindly smiled, paid for my order, grabbed my order and left the store. I shook my head and I walked to my car.