| - This park is very close to my house, and my family and I love it..
There is a tennis court, a basketball court, and various walk ways that you can run on. There is a huge grassy area surrounded by "picnic-y" areas that have a shade over them.
I usually park in the lot, while my guy plays with our daughter on the jungle gyms and swings. I start towards the right of the park, where the basketball court and tennis court is. If you take the pavement all the way across the park, past the soccer fields, walk in front of the Aquatics/Senor center, and back down Burkholder, you have a good 1.92ish distance.
The only downside to this is the street that it is on....
Even with the FLASHING crosswalk, there are drivers that will fly by you, while you are in the cross walk, trying to get across the street.