| - Nachobot WILL make you cool. "How cool?" you ask.
Well, I just watched a guy walk in wearing bunched up khaki's and a ratty old t-shirt and right as I type this he is walking out with what looks to be low cut skinny jeans, a flashy button up shirt, and the brightest shoes on you could ever imagine. He's adorn with women carrying his order of nacho's drizzled in gooey home-made nacho cheese sauce, topped with slow cooked to perfection spicy colorado beef drowning in its own delicious red sauce, fresh chopped green onion, and loaded with jalapenos. Man... I wish I was that guy.
You know what, sorry, false alarm, the first guy just waked out with his own order of nacho's dawned in caramelized mushrooms, perfectly roasted garlic, pico de gallo and more of that intense looking, home-made nacho cheese. I didn't know you could caramelize mushrooms by the way, but Nachobot seems to know how. I guess the guy wearing the skinny jeans was just in there ahead of khaki.
The real truth behind elevating your cool status is just ending up here. The Roosevelt cool seems to permeate through this place and the rest of this little strip of downtown Phoenix these day's. That's a cold hard fact, cold and hard like ice, but not vanilla ice. Ok maybe vanilla ice back in 1991. Lets face it, he was the epitome of cool for at least a few months during 1990 or 91. Why else would you know who I'm talking about?
Quoted in weekly yelp newsletter: 8-29-2012