Am I the only person that hears a choir singing "Hallelujah" when I open the door?
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Nutella is like Neosporin for the brain. Who doesn't instantly feel better after ingesting this magical spread made by angels? Over the years, I've had the fleeting idea to spread Nutella over my bald head as if I were putting soil on a Chia Pet. I think I'd feel amazing as it seeped into my skull, coating the brain, and elevating me into an extended state of bliss. Either that or a plant might sprout. Only the possibility of divorce or the loss of friends has prevented this from becoming reality.
Peridot Sweets makes macarons with said medicine. It's a place I should visit more often. They're light, airy, and delightful with a decent amount of filling to satisfy those 10 second gaps before I grab another one to nibble on.