First time at this location. Jus moved up the street and I was excited about being so close to one of my fave fast food joints. I've been moving boxes all day up and down the stairs and I needed something good to eat.
Came in and only one lady in front of me who reportedly has a shellfish allergy or otherwise and asked questions in which I saw the Mgr or otherwise guy in charge answer her questions and provide good customer service. My initial encounter was with Graciela/Garcia (sp?) she was pleasant enough when I asked for chow mein. She asked me what else I wanted so I walked around the glass so I could see what looked hot and fresh. There were at least 3 empty trays so my options were a little limited. I guess I took too long to speak so she went and helped the lady behind me. I had to speak up to See if I'd done something wrong because I didn't understand why the lady behind me was being helped before me. When I asked, Gracia said that I didn't tell her what I wanted (in a tone that resembled 'I dnt give a f***') Yikes, customer service is not her strong suit. I'm familiar with Panda Express, maybe I wasn't sure, maybe I should've been offered a sample? Or maybe I jus wanted to look at what was hot and fresh and tell the woman helping me what I'd like but instead of waiting on me, she figured she'd skip me and simply help the woman behind me. Bless the Mgr or other head honcho who came and assisted me so I wouldn't be skipped in line by the woman that had been fully helped behind me. He stated that Gracia was new. Seems to me someone should be excited about their new job and leave their attitude in the parking lot. My food is good and I believe the kind gentleman that helped
Me and others with patience, his name may be Ramsey or Ramses is doing a great job. The service was slow but outside of the rudeness of serving the customer behind me, I'll try it again. Now if I get some crap happen to me again, I won't be so diplomatic about it next time