| - Seriously? Am I really seeing this? I have reached PMS nirvana. This Francophile has found sweet gastronomic heaven. My dear friend/fellow food/shoe/book junkie and I popped our Amelie's cherry(tart) late on Friday night and were pleasantly surprised by the high energy, efficiency of the staff (they kept that line mooooving!), funky decor and sinful eye candy.
We had ourselves a little sampling and here's the good, the bad and the ugly:
Good: Creme Puffs filled with rich, sweet, thick custard. No wimpy whipped cream here. My toes curled.
The Salted Caramel Brownie. If I'd been w/anyone other than her, they would've been gotten stabbed in the hand w/my fork had they tried to sample this gooey confection. There is close to 1/4 inch of caramel atop this chewey brownie and the addition of a pinch of salt saves this from being too sweet.
The Tea Cakes are very moist. The raspberry has a stronger flavor than the lemon.
The line moves quickly.
The bad: Okay, it really wasn't bad, but my hubby and I tried the Petit Gateau and, while the gnache was rich and smooth (just how I like my men, lol) the cake was actually pretty dry.
The line moves so fast, you may not have a chance to see all the goodies. I like to weigh my options; calories are precious and I can't waste'em on so-so snacks.
Lotsa empty trays. No matter how fast they work, they can't keep up w/demand so it seems like we may have missed some good options.
The Ugly: The near cat-fight over the last eclairs and the creepy mannequin that literally leans over your shoulder as you wait in line. I'm a Leo, I like my space and crazy as it sounds, that thing was giving me the heebies.
Overall, an instant favorite and a reason to haul our tushies down to Charlotte more often.