The best place for pho in CLE hands down! My Vietnamese friends agree that Superior Pho has the most authentic and tasty pho around, so it must be true! I come here often when I'm craving some good noodle soup.
The restaurant has a great combo option where you can get large or small bowls of pho- your choice, with a drink or spring/summer rolls. There's even a big combo option that allows you to get a large pho, banh mi (Vietnamese sandwich), and a drink for a fairly decent price. My new favorite item to get there is the Bun bo hue soup. It's a beef noodle soup mixed in with delicious spices, and definitely worth a try! Another must have is the Vietnamese iced coffee! That stuff is so addictive! The coffee slowly drips and once it's completed, you add it to the glass with condensed milk and ice. The papaya salad with pork jerky is refreshing and sweet, perfect for a warm day. As for rice dishes, I've had the grilled marinated pork on broken rice, the curry beef on rice and I've also tried the Bo luc lac...all of which are great!! I will be back for sure Superior Pho!