The Muni, as they would like you to call it (no one really does), is the home of Oakland A's Spring Training.
I was fortunate enough to be able to see two games here this season.
There is a somewhat reasonable price on a beer. hot dog and peanuts ($13.75). Of course, pricing is all relative in Spring Training terms.
I could offer up a whole bunch of "I remember whens" right now, but I will save you.
Bleacher seats were between $12 and $14 depending on when they were purchased, but with all the fees they came out to be about $20 each.
There's no lawn seating at The Muni, which is a shame. The lawn seating is my favorite part about Spring Training (that, and getting to see the players stretch before the game).
All in all, a solid ballpark. However, be sure to bring padding for your rear. Those benches sure are harder than I remember!
Oh yeah... and parking directly across the street is only $5. Not bad compared to some other parks.