Ok it's been a week without a single cigarette and I'm feeling fantastic! I'm so glad I got eroll AND iTaste SVD (thanks again Devin for your suggestion). I keep changing the wattage based on the time of day. I start with 3-5 and as day progress, I bring it up to 10-12 ish and I bring it back down later at night. I've been chain-vaping pretty much the entire time but I've read online that's pretty normal to compensate for cigarette and it'd come down later on. No more constant exhaustion and shortage of breath and my libido is back to when I was 17!
The key is to have spare battery and juice ready with you ALL THE TIME. If you run out and you're a heavy smoker, you WILL go back to smoking cigarette. So if you're trying to quit, don't cheap out. Have few fully charged battery and juice ready to go. My upgraded setup costed me around $300-$400 and it's a FANTASTIC investment (much better than my stupid kindle that I use once a week). 2 erolls, itaste svd with extra tank and 3 x 30ml juice. I'm already out of the first bottle, so plan ahead (specially if you don't live in downtown area).