I would like to assess Sardine as if it were two different places.
#1 as a Brunch Place and #2 as a dinner establishment, because I have very different feelings towards the two.
Part 1: Brunch at Sardine
Do it! Get a strong drink! Get a pastry! Get the shrimp and crab cakes!
These are best enjoyed with friends or loved ones.
All of the food was delicious, the staff was amicable and great.
Honestly, brunch here revived my appreciation for Colectivo's black and Tan coffee.
Part 2: Date Night Dinner at Sardine
Maybe don't do it.
You are packed in the restaurant like sardines.
The food is overpriced. Good, but I could make the salmon, steak, or lamb chops at home and be happier with more money in my wallet. The staff was still nice and the drinks just as strong as breakfast.
It is a good dinner spot, but I think people just get a little too hyped for it.
Brunch, yes. Dinner, meh.