I took my jeep in to get serviced.I drove up and got out of jeep,and the man says step inside waiting room.I said ok,but I want to talk about price ect.They came in the waiting room and asked me to step outside.He said my oil change would be aleast $116.00.I said I will go next door to Big O,because they charge $49.99.He then informed me they drained my oil before going over things,and price with me.I had to talk to a superviser,and he said I will have to pay for the oil they drained just to leave! I refuzed to pay anything,and they put in some oil in out of a watering can not dispenser?The way they drain your oil before they go over things with you is how they do busness.Don't go ther they are not up front with you.Then they argure with you about how they handled the oil drain before even going over price ect.