So I saw the Martinez taco bar in the middle of a nice little shopping center and I thought why not let's give it a try, I enjoy new things. It was rush hour for dinner time and the place was empty so I was a little skeptical to begin with. The clerk who came up to the register to take my order looked as though he had just done some crystal meth in the back which isn't unusual for small Vegas restaurants. I decided to order the $9 carne asada burrito with french fries to go . I thought ok any $9 burrito must be fantastic and boy was I wrong. When I got home and open this beast up I could see the grease pouring out of the tortilla. When I bit into the burrito the slices of avocados were raw and harder than the onions and I had to spit them out. The carne asada was chewy and overcooked without any authentic flavor. I didn't even finish half the burrito . I love authentic Mexican food but this place is a dump and lacks any concerns about quality, my advice is stay away. I feel the gut churning already. Blahhhh