| - The YMCA has undergone a new PR/marketing campaign and revamped its image. When I moved to the area, I was on the look out for a gym. The YMCA allows you to have a month to month membership, after the initial sign up fees. For a family plan, it's rather competitive, and some health insurance groups will reimburse you after a certain number of visits (generally 60-100 visits per 6 months).
The pool is rather nice, there's at least 2-3 lanes open in the evenings. It's a very family friendly place. Compared to the West and East Side in Dane County, and other YMCA's I've been to around the country, this one is fairly newer and hence has modern looking facilities and a lockerroom. They also have kids and family friendly social activities.
What's also nice about the YMCA is that it has national networks of YMCAs, so if you are traveling, you can visit and usually it's free of charge. I've seen other YMCAs with a rock climbing wall, but since that isn't why I joined anyways, I'm happy with what's offered at Northeast YMCA. Now, if only there were a coffeeshop nearby ...