| - What I loved:
1) This is an absolutely beautiful facility, inside and out.
2) Amazing collection of instruments. SO MANY instruments! It was marvelous! I know it's called the Musical Instrument Museum, but they truly blew me away with the huge collection!
3) I didn't have enough time! I spent 3 hours in the museum, and I would have loved to have had two more...looks like I have to go back...
What I hope will be fixed soon:
1) The audio, although sophisticated, tended to be a little more annoying than helpful. I found that I had to put my wireless headset receiver near the display's receiver in order to actually hear what I wanted, and then it was hard to get rid of that audio when I wanted to move on to the next display.
2) I wish there would have been more audio and visual examples of the instruments! There were so many instruments, and often not enough descriptions. Actually, I wish there would have been more information in general. I wanted to know more about everything.
3) This museum needs some "noise police." In particular, there were a few groups of children who were clearly mocking the African music and dancing, and then loudly laughing at each other. Worse, their parents stood there and watched them, clearly not caring that their children were being ignorant of other cultures and extremely rude to the other museum attendees.
3b) There were many elderly people who very loudly would say, "OH WOW, DID YOU SEE THAT?!" and, "THAT MAN IS SO TALENTED." It was adorable, but I really wanted to ask them to turn down their headsets in order to better hear the volume of their own voices.
Overall, it was such a great experience. I'm so proud that Phoenix has such an incredible museum to offer its citizens and visitors.