| - In any city, in any country, there is a respite of beauty called The Art Museum. Abandon snark, all ye who enter here (until you get to the modern art section, then you can roll eyes as much as you want. Go ahead, it's just a canvas painted white, after all - says the art history student).
A lovely walk across the green to the front door, free coat check, free admission and after the initial confusion over where to start, I found myself whisked through the space organically and chronologically with ease.
The collections are laid out perfectly and in spite of its size (so you think), there are so many wonderful pieces, notable time periods and important artists represented that it's impossible to leave unsatisfied. The curator has done an impeccable job, especially with the opportunities for information via laminated plaques, audio walking tours and docents. Even the security guys are helpful with directions. I can't wait to see what the new wings have in store!
Little tip: don't, um, lean in too close to the work. I set off a buzzer and heard several more going off throughout the space during the day. Whoops. :)