Experienced HORRIBLE customer service here today. Has to be the worst I've experienced ever.
Me and my boyfriend walked into this bank today to deposit some cash into my bank account. It wasn't too busy, and I only had to wait in line for a couple minutes. When I approached the teller, Shandra, the first thing I said was "I'm really sorry, but it's all 1's." I had it all neatly organized to make matters somewhat easier on her. She looks at me and says with a very rude attitude "you know we have an ATM outside right? You can do this out there."
I explained to her how I didn't want to because the ATM only takes 40 bills at a time, and I had about 300 bills total. While I was explaining this to her she interrupted me mid sentence saying "look me in the eyes, okay?" Take this deposit slip and fill it out. I have a line behind me that I need to take care of so step aside and stack the money up and when you're done I'll handle it."
I could not believe the way she just spoke to me, but I kept my cool and stood to the side. While I was stacking my money I overheard her also being very rude to these two old men who she was helping. She spoke with such a stern voice, no smile, and a big attitude.
Once it was my turn again she wasn't giving me as much attitude, but she was still being very impatient with me and made me feel like nothing but a bother.
Typically I have no issues with this bank or any of the tellers. My last experiences here have been great. Whether she was having a rough day or not you really shouldn't bring your bad days to work and take it out on others.