I normally go to the Petco store but since I was in Best Buy I thought I'd drop by the Petsmart. First off when you walk in you get the feeling your in some old dingy warehouse,the lights where so dim and the place did not seem very clean. It has a Vet hospital onsite which was nice and the place was huge but that's the only plus I'd give this place. I walked over to where they have the cats up for adoption and first thing your are hit with is the smell of feces/urine. Looking on closer inspection in the cages all of the litter boxes where full of cat feces and barely any litter in them.. looks as if it hasn't been scooped in a week or more. The poor cats had no food or water and I watched as this poor cat was licking a bone dry bowl looking for some water to drink. I was so horrified. I immediately ask to speak with the manger at once. I was told the people at the shelter come by once a day to take care of the cats! I told them there was no way of this you could tell they where not being taken care of. All the cats where laying on filthy blankets and the cages where so dirty. My heart broke for these cats! I even asked if I could give the poor kitty water that seemed so thirsty and I was denied. I will be reporting this situation. Hopefully for the wonderfully sweet cats sake this problem gets fixed!! For a pet store where it's all about the ANIMALS IT DEFINITELY IS NOT! I would give them a negative star if I could ! So sad!!