My friend loves this place so I thought I would give it a try. We parked in the dirt lot across the street and walked over. The restaurant looks really awesome from the outside! All of the trees and birds, it was impressive! Our party of 4 came around 7pm so it was fairly busy and we knew we would wait. Almost 45 minutes later and after seeing multiple tables clean and open for over 15 min was annoying when we we hungry! Once seated, our server seemed way too busy and when I asked him about the beers he didn't spend more than a minute just rattling them off the menu (I can do that). I asked for a description of one and he said he something along the lines of "it's like any other IPA".... But what is an IPA was my question. :-/ I got the burger and it was way too pink and COLD but I didn't want to complain I was so hungry at this point. He came back to see how everything was but was always running. I feel like we were an inconvenience if anything. The patio was really cool and would've been even better if people didn't let their kids run around like it was a zoo. The staff could've done something here... Overall this place could have great potential but didn't leave a good first impression with me. Maybe I will try the rooftop bar and give them one more chance!