| - Not a very great first time experience here at all. Hoping to try it out before a movie, I purchased a $15 certificate as I often do for restaurants that participate in the program. It's great, because I try a lot of places I wouldn't normally check out. I purchased over $30 of food and beverages and presented my phone with the certificate open for redemption. Some 20 year old behind the counter intervened and informed me that the company only accepts the vouchers when the are physically printed on paper. How ironic that this 20 year old was bringing us back to the 90s! Who has a printer anymore, and why would that idiotic and unfair (and probably violative of the terms of service with policy even exist in 2017?? I even asked if they had a wireless printer so I could direct-connect to it with my phone and print it out, but of course, the backwards millennial informed me that they did not. How convenient! I won't be going there ever again, thanks to the incredible incompetency and inflexibility (and, again, probably breach of contract) of the management. Listen, I work in customer service too, and if I were the 20 year old with giant gauges in my ears and a huge amount of apathy and disregard for the people that came to my store, I would have given the customer the freaking $15 off, because who the hell cares about $15? Instead, my holy-lobed friend behind the counter offered me 10% off my order, about $3, which was "all he was allowed to do" likely because some other 20-something manager named Brad or Nick or something equally awful was "cracking down on those things." Cracking down on honoring a coupon? Jesus, how hard up are you people?
Also, and quite unrelated, the food was really bland and not very warm. I would have considered coming again, since there aren't many vegetarian restaurants in madison to choose from, but that millennial vaped that bridge to the ground.