Thank you Gabriel S. For the referral, it was everything i expected and even more. I have a great hairdresser already but natural hair appointments are hard to come by so i decided to ask around for referrals, thank God for YELP friends. I went in to meet Miss Yolanda Jackson in person just to meet her and see about her availability and alas she was available and ready to give me an appointment the next day( so yay for availability) I went in on Sat afternoon and I was the only one in her chair(yay for one client at a time) she got right to work. She washed the locs thoroughly and used the hair serum that I brought to re-twist. She then wraps the hair down to dry properly and you sit under the dryer until dry,she checks on you often and does not just leave until the dryer goes off( yay for attention to detail). Then she styles it( whichever style you want) then you are done, oil sheen for shine and edge tamer to keep everything neat and you are ready to go in two hours start to finish.
Go here if you need your natural hair done, a weave, or a flat iron , she is professional, punctual and great at what she does, I hope she will keep having me because i plan on going back to her time and time again, Will post pics of my gorgeous do! Thank you Miss Jackson as Gabriel S. said you are Legit.