| - This weekend EPIQ is E - P - I - C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I was trying to do the Monster Truck guys voice, but writing has its limits. Thought it would sound cool, but anyways EPIQ nightclub is located what used to be Pussycat Lounge - which I thought was a pretty cool place for it's music choices. Never was I let down, but like many night clubs you must adapt and keep up with the Jones.
Thus, EPIQ was sprout from the gonads of Zeus's father Cronus!
Not really, but I gotta make this review interesting somehow.
Needless to say, EPIQ is anything, but EPIC simply because the space is very limited. However, on the night I went the dance floor was quite open and I definitely enjoyed that. You can actually dance and not grind up to somebody here "by accident" - wink; sorry didn't mean to, btw what's your name? Carrying on, the music has changed and the mix is not my cup of tea though not bad. If you need a quick night out to dance and drinks and don't really care where, then EPIQ is your place. The crowd is pretty relaxed and not pretentious like you would expect so it's an A in my book! - Enjoy!