This tiny nook houses approximately seven tables--a combo of inviting two- and four-tops attended to by a perky orchestration of fast-paced, friendly servers who gladly decorate each table with a can't-go-wrong menu.
Le Petite serves the most délicieux crepes in Cleveland. My favorite feasting is a lick-the-plate combination of Nutella, whipped cream and strawberries. Other decadent goodness is this pleasing pairing: the grilled fromage washed down with a café au lait. It's every bit(e) worth the calories. Dijon, caramelized onions, swiss cheese and my always-requested roasted chicken decorate this substantial sandwich, which I delightfully savor as much as the au lait, a whole-milk concoction combined with Crooked River Coffee's Serious French Roast. If you ever need a slap-in-the-face jolt, just grab a cup of Crooked River's SFR. Its strong profile immediately awakens your taste buds with a stream of slightly bittersweet and mildly acidic flavors.