I brought my daughter here for an audition for another ballet companies summer intensive. At first I was really impressed with the facility. The building is large and spacious. I want to say that the teachers and students lacked studio etiquette. They are incredibly loud in the halls and show no respect for current classes and auditions taking place. I felt horrible for the girls in the audition because the students were so loud and distracting. Running up and down the halls, screaming and laughing. The entire time the two girls at the front desk just sat there having a conversation ignoring the complete chaos happening around them. It was only when one of the girls working at the front left to go home that the other girl finally came over and told all the students in the hall to keep it down since there was an audition going on. It was an hour into the audition, not much help at that point. They kept it down for a minute and then went right back to running around and yelling. I feel that this school needs to teach the students respect and discipline. If they have a chance of going and dancing professional anywhere else there is basic etiquette and manners that they will need to take with them. Also when my daughter came out of the audition she said the floors were extremely slippery and it was very hard to do the audition. Overall I think this studio needs some work.