I am a bit surprised at how many people refer to Ice House Tavern as a "dive". It is not a "dive" in the true or hipster sense. A "dive" does not have 6 flat panel television sets, a disc jukebox stocked with local music & a modern internet connected jukebox, a mean pulled pork sandwich or a great selection of booze. It may be old (by Phoenix standards) but it's no "dive".
Ice House Tavern is one of the best bars I've been to. Period. Unique to boot. It's attached to an ice rink. While I was there a range from mites to juniors were practicing on the ice. I was even treated to watching a Phoenix Roadrunners Zamboni resurface the ice between sessions. As the practices died down the bar began to fill with hockey people. It was amazing. I was able to watch a Red Wings game with sound at a bar in Phoenix.
According to a calendar of events posted by the door there is also dart tournaments, local comedy and bands. I think they get punk shows. I found out, after the fact, that a few friends have attended shows there.
The beer selection was most impressive. Have your pick of cheap swill or tenderly crafted micro brews. A delicious pulled pork sandwich is the only proper eats offered. If pulled pork isn't your thing you'll have to settle for snacks: Corn Nuts, Slim Jim and various candies. Great service too.
Ice House Tavern is a must and I look forward to future visits and, perhaps, the opportunity to explore events that happen here. I know I have found a home to watch hockey games.