| - Ahhhh, yes. Every woman just loves the Crotch Doctor. I am no exception. There's nothing like spreading eagle in front of somebody you just met, who may or may not know what "gentle fingers" really means. (Uhm, yeah right.)
Alas, the search for a great M.D. or OBGYN is one of those exasperating yet essential quests in every woman's life.
So, imagine my disdain when - newly located to Phx - I had to strike out to find a female MD I didn't want to strangle.
Luckily, luck was on my side.
After searching for who was covered by my insurance (on their handy-dandy Web site), I found this place - Central Phoenix Women's Health Care Center - and was introduced to Dr. Susan Morton-Pradhan.
I had no idea what to expect. It's like calling a salon and hearing the name of somebody you never met, who could royally f*ck up your hair. But, there's only one way to find out...
The Center itself is located in a 3-store office-type building on the South side of Osborn, just shy of Central. You are welcomed by grey walls, stale carpeting, a dingy elevator you fear is going to malfunction at any given moment. Yikes. The Center staff is terse, unwelcoming and standoffish. They seem a tad disorganized, having thought my appointment was for something else and demanded I pee in a cup, just after I had rushed to "empty the pipeline." So, I had to drink 17.5 of their half-sized cups of water-cooler water, trying to entice an encore. That's when they ushered me back through the waiting area and said, "Oh, we don't need a sample... But you can give us one if you want." D'oh!
Oh, whatever; they do their job. You fill out paper. You sign-in. You wait. You get weighed. You know, the usual. I can deal with shitty staff, so long as my Doctor is the Patron Saint of Gyno.
Now that Dr. Susan Morton-Pradhan has gone to another place, I can review this Center for what it is: A place for women to go when they need their annual screenings, as well as when there happens to be a bun in the oven. (Oops, how did that happen?)
Lucky for me, I have no reason to go back, considering my Doctor relocated and, by god!, I'm following her. She's the best Crotch Doctor I've ever had!