In your minds eye see your grandparents kitchen on a week day night for Supper. You would get a homemade choice of one specialty of the house with desert. Always with desert, back in the days when you could afford physically to eat desert. You just had it. This is that memory. Full of love, the smell of home cooked food. Each day Robert and his lovely wife conjure up a delectable lunch item (Supper item is more like it) from scratch (it's in the name). For now they are just back to doing lunch week-days. The demand for dinner and Saturday breakfast was so big that they had to cut back the number of hours they were working to keep up with the customers. Robert hand makes the hamburger patties which are always on the menu-along with hand dipped onion rings. Each day the menu and the desert changes. You can find one homemade soup on the menu each day also. Treat yourself to a trip to a family kitchen just for the memory alone and say a special hi to Robert and Gigi who will be treating your like family.