| - Absolutely the worst airline I have flown. I have flown throughout Asia, Europe, Latin America and the U.S. and I've never experienced an airline who appeared to not want to be in the airline business more. The level of apathy I experienced was a new low.
On 8/7th I was on flight 7419 from Montreal to Chicago to connect to SFO. The inbound flight into Montreal arrived just 5-10 minutes late. No issue. But then we sat, and sat. The one gate agent then, without explanation, walked away from the gate. After 45 minutes of 100+ people sitting at the gate, many including myself worried about missing our connection, we started calling Air Canada's main number and waiving down passing by employees to ask them why the hell no one was managing the gate. 15 minutes later some other person arrived and started to board the plane, claiming that there was a "maintenance issue" but could not explain what exactly it was.
I then boarded and asked the first flight attendant I met (the one who serves first class) what the maintenance issue was that delayed us for over an hour. He responded, "You can ask maintenance." So this flight attendant does not care enough to find out why his flight is being delayed and does not care enough to know the condition of his plane. He also made no offer to find out such basic information that most every customer would care to learn. Amazing.
I then landed with minutes to spare to catch my flight. We asked for gate information within the final 45 minutes of our flight. "Oh, we do not know which gate we will taxi to or the terminal. No, we will not find out your departing gate. Thank you for flying Air Canada." Are you kidding me? You make us late for no explained reason, and you do nothing to help us to get to our destination and minimize the overall impact to our schedules? Truly unbelievable.
I of course miss my connection and walk back to the gate my flight from Montreal to Chicago taxid to to find one lone agent who asked, "Where have you been? I've been waiting." I let her know that I ran for my connection with no help from her or her colleagues. She handed me a hotel voucher without even looking at me and attempted to scold me for leaving the gate and attempting to catch my flight, because it forced her to wait around for me and she wanted to go home. I highlighted that Air Canada was late for no good reason that was explained to me, that no one helped me to get to my connection, and that yes, I took it upon myself to make my connection. Her response was literally a simple, "Whatever." She put a card in front of me with Air Canada's customer service number and walked away. I asked for her name because I wanted to report her rudeness and she indicated that Air Canada employees do not provide their names. She was not wearing a name tag.
I am amazed that this is a Canadian business. The universal display of apathy was almost programmed in, as if it was a pillar of their culture. I have never seen such a broad, systematic display of not caring for customers.
If you are not interested in being a good service provider, just go into another line of work. I'll be sure to avoid your terrible service and apathetic employees in the future. I'm also going to ensure that my colleagues and partners learn of my experience. Congratulations on losing a significant amount of future revenue.
Oh, and expect a letter to your CEO, the head of the Star Alliance, the CEO of United, the U.S. Better Business Bureau and the Canadian equivalent...