| - Since I manage to find My BadSelf in here at least once every few months I suppose You need to understand ~ OMG, Why? ~
First off; Nostalgia! During the 70's My Friends, along with a Guy in Gold Lam`e UnderWear, a Girl in a JC Penney's Bra and Slip and occasionally Myself would end up Here. Every Weekend after the LateNight, DoubleFeature, PictureShow (RHPS) @ the Sombrero Theatre. This is where You would find Us gathering, it was Our; Arnold'sDrive-In / FrostyPalace / Mel's Drive-In.
The fact that it is Still Here, unlike The afore mentioned; SombreroTheatre, Sambo's (on 1st Street and McDowell), Caf`e Casino along with Cin`e Capri (at 24th Street and Camelback), LuntAvenue MarbleClub (on the NorthEast corner of Central and Camelback), Willy&Guillermo's, OscarTaylor, The MasonJar, The (Original) Monastery, et cetera...... After Developers, Speculators and their ilk were finished generally tearing up the place, there wasn't a lot of recognizable, comfortable landmarks and haunts left for Us native & semi-natives. So once ~ facebook ~ starting bringing Us all back together, what better place for Us to reminisce with old friends than with Our old hangout...
The food is not "world-class cuisine" it does not need to be, it's the old comfort food We remember, golden eggs, fluffy pancakes, tasty O.J. and fresh, hot coffee. Added bonus; on Your birthday, breakfast is free!!!!!