The Oct. 9 show was excellent! Every single person who got on that stage owned it. They all had amazing stage presence, good timing, great material, & strong body language and facial expressions. They even handled a couple annoying audience members with grace and creativity. And Francisco . . .
This place is not too big, not too small. You don't feel like you are in an auditorium, so you have the intimate feel without the being smashed in together like sardines. The owner mentioned a future remodel, so you can look forward to that.
I thought $15 was reasonable for this lineup. But, my one complaint, I thought $4 for a bottle of water was a bit greedy. You can purchase 48 bottles for that amount at the store (and likely more than that wholesale). Don't punish the people who can't drink. Trust me that I would if I could. I'm not being cheap. And my friends make up for me. :)