| - Busy night for the NBA Finals, so understandably it was packed and we were directed to a table much quicker than I had expected. That was a great start, and all tables are great positions considering they have what seems like 50 TVs in there.
Two stars purely for this isolated experience.
Half way into our wings, there has already been a couple of wings with blood traces, but we thought oh well, they must be too busy to make sure everything was made to perfection on a full house due to the Cavs vs Warriors game 4.
Unfortunately this was not the end, and we ran into two wings that are VERY bloody inside and it sure turned our stomachs upside down. We decided to bring this up to the manager so they could notify the kitchen, and settle this uncomfortable situation for us.
She offered to re-make the two wings. That's a very uncomfortable reaction on top of the bloody wings.
After notifying of our discomfort, the manager offered to give us a discount on the bill, that was nice, except when the bill came separately only the friend who raise the issue with her got a 10% discount.
Don't aren't in a short supply of customers for sure, by the demonstration of this problem solving case.