| - Super Walmarts are the best ones to go to because of two major factors. Its 24 hours and you pretty much can get everything you need from grocery, clothes, shoes, electronics, automotive, furniture, etc. I could go on but if you have ever been to one of these "Supers", you know exactly what I am talking about.
Now for the negatives.
There seems to never be any parking and if you do find one, there is usually a shopping cart or two that is in the way so you have to get out of your car to get it out of the way. Sometimes you are approached by certain people because they are either selling something or are asking you for money. Just the other day, when I got out of my car, this dude came up to me and asked if wanted to buy some tamales. Then when I was making my way to the car, this one guy is asking me for money so he can put gas in his car so he can take his family back home to Phoenix. The funny thing about that its the same guy that asked me for money last week. I asked him, "Didn't you ask me the for money last week? Shouldn't you be in Phoenix by now?". He looked at me like oh s**t, you got me.
Most of the time, the employees here are ok to interact with. Sometimes you run into those employees that don't give a damn about working there. I usually try to stay away from those people so that their crappy attitude does not affect me.
Overall, I don't mind going here if I really need something. I just try not to go when its 2 in the morning. I can only imagine what type of characters are floatin around not to mention disgruntled walmart employees.
Yelp 2014 365 Review Challenge #77