Got a panicked call from my girlfriend as she was riding to the airport in one of their taxis, telling me they charged her a much higher fare than they had originally promised over the phone. She had tried to go to a nearby ATM once they stopped at the airport, and tried to offer her credit card as payment instead, but the cabbie instead decided to keep her in the car and scream at her and threaten to call the police because she was a few dollars short. She was almost in tears.
After spending half an hour on hold waiting to talk to the dispatcher because the cabbie refused to talk to me, I read off my credit card number to them to have them charge her fare to me, despite having rejected my girlfriend's card earlier for no reason whatsoever. The dispatcher then told me he was going to charge me an extra half hour's worth of fare, because we, apparently, had caused the cabbie to be delayed despite their own inefficiency.
After telling the dispatcher about the situation, he only fought back and told me it didn't matter, further delaying both the cabbie and my girlfriend. I stood up to his bullying for the fee and he eventually begrudgingly agreed to drop the charge and threatened to immediately call the police next time. That's one hell of a way to keep your customers.