Knowledgeable and helpful staff.
HUGE facility with everything you could want by way of aquarium (saltwater and/or freshwater) equipment and supplies, as well as a huge selection of fish.
Also a decent reptile section.
The Fantastic Mr. It's Complicated has a couple huge aquariums. The freshwater is set up and has had some fishes for years. The saltwater is notably bigger - and not currently set up. He wanted some new fishes and some plants for the freshwater tank, and this is his store of choice.
He chose plants and a couple Baal sharks, and suggested I pick a fish I liked. I don't know much about fish, but really liked the shape and grace of the black angelfish, so he got one for me.
Looking forward to years of fun and lots of leaning about aquariums - and happy to know Ocean Floor is nearby for all the fishy needs we may have.