| - I went to see Barry Manilow while staying in Vegas. I'm 22, and was the youngest one there. Despite that, I had an amazing time. :] I think the following letter can sum it all up.
Dear Mr. Manilow,
Thank you for making my 15 year dream come true. At the age of 7, I watched a PBS special showing your New Years Eve concert. I had grown up with your music and loved it, but seeing you perform made me think - wow, one day, I want to see him in concert. It was one of those things that you would put on your bucket list. I wanted to put it on mine, but quite frankly, I was afraid you would croak before I had the opportunity, so I decided not to risk it.
When my aunt told me she got me tickets for the show, I was ecstatic! I would finally be seeing you in concert! AFTER ALL THESE YEARS! I had been warned that you were no longer as...uh...limber as you were when I watched you on television, but believe me, you've still got it. ;]
All in all, thank you for making my dream come true. If you don't believe me, you can ask anyone on fb or twitter. My status all day was: "@jaymielynn39 got a hot date with barry tonight. oh mr. manilow, you can copa my cabana anytime. ;]"
Your youngest and oldest fanilow,
Jaymie Lynn Santiago