| - I have recently rediscovered Sunflower Market after a long absence.
The reason for the absence? Well, I liked the place when it first opened. After about a year or two, it started going downhill. Fruit flies around the produce, meat that was about to start a second life and, once, a batch of sausages that were inedible due to the amount of salt that was dumped in them. Combine that with an altercation I had with some other customers, and I decided, screw it. I wasn't particularly in love with Bashas' and Fry's, but they would have to do.
This was about three or four years ago. Recently, I decided to try them out again at my wife's urging. I was pleasantly surprised. Though the meat section is still small, the quality has increased. The produce is fresh, nicely priced, and they have a lot of the vegetables that I don't bother with at the larger stores because of either price or bad experiences. I like the wine and beer selections, as well as the bakery. I have to force myself to behave when I'm in there.
One problem still persists, though. Sunflower Market does cater to the granola crowd, and as long as they are willing to pay through the nose for anything with a sticker that says organic, regardless of the actual quality, people will be there to make a buck off of them. And, because they are trying to also cater to the vegetarian and alternative diet crowds, there are way too many off-brands. Some of it I like, but I really don't see a reason why some of them should be consistently two or three dollars more than the name brands. Yes, I am a meat-eating, moderately conservative Republican, and I'm sure I stick out like a sore thumb in that store, but like everyone these days my shopping decisions are largely made on a combination of price and quality - and people who are forced into eating a restricted diet should not have to pay dearly for it, either.
Well, I'm off the soapbox. Right now, with the way they are going, Sunflower Market is the best grocery chain in the Valley, and I'm glad they're here. Minor quibbles aside, I have seen my grocery bill shrink by $30.00 to $40.00 by going there, and I'm actually coming home with what I consider the ingredients for a balanced meal. And, if you know me, you know my eyes are, shall I say, drifting while I'm shopping. Gets me poked in the ribs by my wife but, just like when I'm in the baking aisle, I behave myself.
Time to go pop one of their saltwater taffies before I head off to bed.