Used to have this store rated at 5 stars but the last experience left me with a bitter aftertaste. I was making an online return but first was browsing. When I asked this lady (she's the half black employee, don't remember the name) for an item, they said they didn't have it in stock without even looking. I asked about a phone order and she said "yeah YOU can do that. Just call them yourself..." and walked away to help another customer. Turns out this they had THREE of that item and in my size and color in stock!!
Now comes the icing on the cake, when I go to make the return (with a different rep mind you) all is going well when all of a sudden she comes by and says "he doesn't have the packing slip, we can't take this back." Their return policies state nothing about that and just require a proof of purchase (which I had already printed out). I called 1-800 number and they apologize for the experience and do the return over the phone no questions asked (they even let me keep the shorts).
Very disappointed at the customer service I recieved that day... it's been a couple days since and it still stands out in my mind. When you're paying $68 for gym shorts, $88 for polos and $128 for sweatpants, I'd expect to have a bit better of an experience.