I've never written a review on anything, and I'm only taking the time to do so now because I am so upset and I don't know how else to express it. I was referred here by a friend who said I'd get like 20 percent off my first time(I didn't). I had a picture of what I wanted and the lady that was originally supposed to do my hair understood and seemed confident in what she was doing. Unfortunately she couldn't do my hair because it would have overlapped with her next clients appointment. Long story short my hair was done by someone else and I left with it looking not even remotely close to how I wanted it. I thought I'd just give it a chance, but my boyfriend, best friend and sister all said they did not like it at all. I agreed. I went back to have it redone and left again totally unsatisfied. I had a brief conversation with the lady that was originally supposed to do my hair and she still understood what I wanted, but unfortunately she was not the one that redid my hair. I'm only expressing my dismay about this because as a broke college student I'm lucky if I can even get a hair cut more than once a year. To have spent 145 dollars on hair color that couldn't have looked worse if I did if from a box, is overwhelmingly upsetting.