OKAY so we walk into the palms. walk to the side of the ridiculously LONG line and my girls work their magic. we pop right in with this group of very douche-y dudes. no cover no wait...watever we are IN.
omfg?! who CHOSE this CLUB??! WHYYYY in 100degrees @ 12am would you choose an OUTDOOOR CLUB?! SURE its prettty ..nice big pool, lotsa lush seating, wide space, but OMG it has trance music....so i was sorta freakin out. i mean seriously i wanted to run back into the AC'd casino. after a few drinks at the bar...2 greygoose, 1 patron & 1 redbull was $50 ugh....my friend showed me the club was INSIDE hahaha thanks gf!
we walk in and its like an arena...people up above on another level lookin down..middle seating for private parties and the rest of us riftraft wander around the outside circle. man the place was PACKED but do-able for a vegas club!
and guess who was DJing? DJ AM! & guesss who was next to him?? JOHN MAYER!!! i got to say that john mayer is totally ew to me but there in person he was pretttty hot =)
after a few songs...of course JOURNEY!! he played some more interesting oldschool songs...while tryna dance next to DJ AMs stage we were gettin straight pushed into the tarp covering the stage...i thought i was gona be smothered...soooo once again we left the club
MAN maybe i just need to suck it up and get a little trampled but come on i cant BREATH ew especially with stinky sweaty people (includin myself) all up on meeee~!!
so we left tried to go to Moon but they were packed and wanted 40$ per girl...then they said $30....then $20 hahaha but the rest of the grls went back to Rain and me Dee & Hannah S called it a night!!