The only thing that I'd want to change about Zoinks would be to make it bigger, but if it were a huge behemoth of a store, maybe it wouldn't be Zoinks any more. This little store still has a lot to offer, from books and CDs to DVDs and more.
Looking for a specific title, unless a spectacularly popular one, might present a bit of a challenge, with only a couple of hundred square feet of space inside you might do better just browsing until you hit something that strikes your fancy. The store often has a box of free or extremely cheap books on the floor which they just want to be rid of.
The staff here will leave you to your own devices if you want to browse silently at your own pace, but if you come in chatting with a friend or just in a friendly mood they will generally engage you and maybe point out something worthwhile on offer in the store. Your local little bookstore may not have the selection of Chapters, but you can definitely afford to step inside and make an affordable used purchase or two.