| - I signed a friend and I up for a $35 (each) class. We arrived and were greeted by a very upbeat, friendly girl. Awesome! Great start... until we got into the back room where our class was taking place. The first thing that was a little off putting was that the instructor didn't speak to us when we walked in. She had to have known we were there (we walked in laughing) but she didn't acknowledge us until I spoke to her. She actually seemed irritated that I spoke.
After putting on the aprons and choosing our chairs, a few more people arrived and I noticed the instructor's entire demeanor change. Suddenly she became social and fairly happy, it seemed so fake to me.
When the entire class had arrived, BOOM, the instructor launched into the painting. She was giving instruction after instruction so fast it was hard to keep up, even when people would pipe up and ask for help she'd say, "I'm going to do this next step and then we'll come back to this". Great, but then she started saying 3 or 4 instructions in a cluster, "this brush with this paint and this line with this paint on this brush and wipe this here and blah blah blah".
The other downside was that another class was happening right outside the room we were in, and we could clearly hear that instructor. It was really distracting.
My biggest complaint is something that's a personal issue, but I know there are others who feel the same... I hate to be touched, I have small anxiety attacks when strangers touch me. During the class, at one point the instructor came up behind me and squeezed both my shoulders. Granted, she was complimenting my work, but it took all my energy not to lose it right there. Hands off, get out of my bubble!
Overall this concept is a nice idea, I just felt very rushed and distracted.... and at the end extremely uncomfortable. I looked at the picture taken of our group and I could visibly see the anxiety in my face. I would be open to trying another class, but I'd probably try to get a different instructor.