| - I am the "old man" that is mentioned in the review below. I was attacked in the gym, Brittany B. at the front desk asked me to point out the person who attacked me in front of 15 witnesses because a physical description wasn't enough for them to identify the man. So the next time I saw him I pointed him out. Brittany B completely lied about the situation and first I was told that my membership was no longer good because I could have been "more discreet in pointing the man out" (which implies that I should have waited until he was out of sight and offer a physical description again, which was already not enough). Then after they realized this excuse for membership termination was contradictory Jeff tried to tell me I was involved in an incident in May of 2014 and that was why this incident resulted in my membership being revoked. Regarding the incident in May of 2014, Jeff stated that he can't tell me what the incident I was involved in was, with whom, or why nobody had ever mentioned the incident to me for the remaining 2+ years that I attended the gym. Its unfortunate that the employees at this gym like Jeff and Brittany B would be so dishonest in their dealings with people who use the facility properly.
I first became an LA fitness member around 2004-2005. I have never had a membership suspended. I was attacked at their gym on September 22, 2016 and due to 15 witnesses in the gym the incident was reported to the front desk. Many eye-witnesses even offered to provide written and verbal statements to which the management had ZERO interest in. They did however ask the attacker why he did it, to which he explained he had been wronged by me. Bottom line, if Brittany B at the front desk asks you to show her who someone is, don't do it! If you ever have to deal with any type of issue where LA Fitness staff needs to be involved, an eye-witness or 20 wont do you any good, so make sure you record the conversations as people like Brittany will do whatever they can to twist the truth. Very unfortunate for the organization that they would allow this type of behavior from both employees and members.