| - It's pretty hard to introduce me to a burrito that I don't like. I used to think that Big Fat Burrito was pretty much the bees knees, and I still very much enjoy it. I know I risk getting my ass kicked in saying this, but I do prefer, to this staple of beloved Kensington Market ("for which I have the utmost respect...") the...ahem...(braces self) *American chain*, Chipotle. Sacrilegious, I know, but my food is not about politics, ~sorry~.
Anyway, glad I got that off my chest.
I do eat here pretty frequently, and like it a lot. They are generously filled, and I do greatly appreciate not having to pay extra for guacamole (which seems to be the case at most places, especially...well, you-know-who...), but on occasion, I feel distressed by the cold sections of filling that I often bite into. They also once accidentally gave me half-sweet potato (like my friend had ordered), and I don't even know why they have that stuff in the first place (I kid). I ate it anyway, and it was alright, if just a little too squishy. An adequate metaphor for my thoughts as a whole, I'd say.