I'm in Tempe for a conference and today I was plannig to go to Target to buy a bathing suit. Being that it was 106 degrees today, the idea of walking was out of the question. I immediately yelped a taxi cabs and CAC came up. I called them, the guy was friendly and funny and totally patient when I basically told him that I had no idea where the heck I was at and all I knew was that I was in ASU and I needed to get to Target. Eventually I got an address for a taxi to pick up. About 15 min later (just like the phone guy said) I get a phone from the taxi driver. He picks me up and we're on our merry way. On our way to Target I see two fellow friends flagging us down and even though we passed them, Arvin, the driver was nice enough to go back for them. Not only that they convinced me to ditch Target and go to Scottsdale. What I'm trying to say is that, if you are a confused visitor, like me- call CAC for a good reliable, clean, nice taxi service.