I can only hope the rumors of bankruptcy are true and this horrible store closes. On their best day they are an overpriced big box store on a bad day they are an overpriced big box store with ineffective and uncompromising management with unwilling staff at the return counter. I was a long term customer part of their rewards program. They were my go to place for clothing and other items. My wife bought me a fathers day gift from the bargain area. When I went to use it the unit did not work. Went to return it and the manager pointed a small line of writing on the bottom of the tag stating buying as is, no returns. No room for discussion. My wife did not see the warning, regardless I think it is ikpliedvthat the product should work. Not even a store credit was offered. So for $50 they have lost a customer that spends hundreds there on a regular basis. I have started my search for a new store.