| - Beautiful littel chapel, not a Church, this facility is now only used for Weddings and it is pretty good idea and location for that, small chapel with large grounds and the weather was great for photos, i was a little hurt that i was not shooting my first wedding, then later releaved and glad my friend and yeas he is a jock of course explained that his brides mom needed to be the one to chose the photographer, i gleamed so ideas from him
back to the review, this place does have that Historic look and fell to it and the cordinator was cool as she could be for our group, or one half of, to be so disorganized, bet she did not plan on being a zookeeper that day, she remained as calm as ive seen, so she gets high marks to
tightly scheduled for a party known for lateness, not me a caught a ride with the puncual few, wich means the groom picked me up, ok they give you more than enough time if you get there on time, ive said too much about my friends wife and her family,mmmuh
what about the honeymoon? good question and i do not want to know, my friend is 19 and his bride is in her 20s so they could have stayed in Matthews or Pineville and saved some monet
thanks to everyone for liking my reviews, i'm back